
Can Taking Collagen Products Help with Acne Breakouts?

Can Taking Collagen Products Help with Acne Breakouts?

Whenever you have issues with your skin, particularly issues with your face like acne, it's understandable that you'd dig for any answer you can find. Skin issues are irritating, damaging to the self-esteem, and unpleasant to bear. They can also be painful and can lead to picking and scratching, which further exacerbates the problem.   What possible options do you have to fight off acne? One such option may be collagen. Will the protein supplement help, or is it just another false promise by health supplement companies looking to make a buck? Let's dig into the science and find out. What...

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List of Natural and Fast Acting Constipation Relief Remedies

List of Natural and Fast Acting Constipation Relief Remedies

Constipation is a minor ailment that millions of people deal with on a daily basis. Estimates place as many as 40-60% of older people suffering from the condition, and many younger people besides.   Constipation has a number of different causes. Aging alone isn't one of them, but aging contributes, due to the other limitations on your body and your lifestyle. Many medications you may end up taking as you get older, particularly opioid pain medications, can cause constipation as a side effect. Physical activity helps the bowels move, so as you age and get less active, you back up. Lack...

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5 of The Best Teas to Alleviate Bloating, Gas, and Cramping

5 of The Best Teas to Alleviate Bloating, Gas, and Cramping

Bloating, gas, cramping; all symptoms of something going on in your digestive system. Whether you ate a little too much garlic, you have a stomach bug, or you're suffering from the side effects of pregnancy, there are a wide variety of different causes. Circumstances often indicate you should just take an antiacid, down a bit of Pepto, and be done with it. Unfortunately, this is often contra-indicated on some medications and for some illnesses. And, of course, there are all manner of reasons you might want to avoid taking a medication if you can. Luckily, tea can help. Herbal teas in...

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Vitamin C Powder vs Capsules: What's the Difference?

Vitamin C Powder vs Capsules: What's the Difference?

One of the most common supplements many of us take is Vitamin C. The good old C, naturally found in a lot of citrus and other fruits, is thought to help bolster your immune system and prevent you from getting sick. There's some question as to whether this is true or not, which we'll get into later. Let's get started. The Benefits of Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient. That means your body doesn't produce it; you need to get it from food and supplements. It's also necessary for your body to function. So...

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