
List of Products and Methods to Keep Your Scalp Healthy

List of Products and Methods to Keep Your Scalp Healthy

Thinning hair and hair loss is caused by a confluence of three facts. One of those factors is your genetics, and there's nothing you can really do about it. Unless you invent time travel or gene editing in a living person, that is, and those are pretty unlikely to say the least. The good news is, the other two factors are things you can control. You can actively fight against your genes – or support them if your genes say you're likely to have a full head of healthy hair.  These two factors are categories: internal influences and external influences. Internal...

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Epsom Salt vs Dead Sea Salt for Psoriasis: Which is Better?

Epsom Salt vs Dead Sea Salt for Psoriasis: Which is Better?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that leaves many people with itchy, painful, red, and scaled patches in skin folds, on the scalp, on elbows and knees, and elsewhere on the body. It's annoying and agonizing in turns, and those who suffer from it find themselves searching for any possible remedy to alleviate the symptoms, avoid triggers, and minimize outbreaks. While there is no cure for psoriasis, at least not yet, there are a variety of treatments that you can try to alleviate the symptoms when they happen. Enter the Salt Treatment One such treatment you've probably seen floating around –...

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Does Eating Fried Foods Make Arthritis Symptoms Worse?

Does Eating Fried Foods Make Arthritis Symptoms Worse?

While it's often considered a disease that occurs as you age, part of the general, slow breakdown of the human body over time, arthritis comes in several forms and can show up at any age.  In general, arthritis is the inflammation, swelling, tenderness, and pain in joints. It comes in a few different varieties. Osteoarthritis is a breaking down of the cartilage in your joints. This cartilage is slippery and hard and is used as a kind of lubrication between the bones to prevent them from rubbing against each other. When this cartilage breaks down or swells up, it puts...

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5 Ways to Test Your Thyroid Health Levels at Home

5 Ways to Test Your Thyroid Health Levels at Home

Your thyroid is one of the most important glands in your body. It's small and usually described as "butterfly-shaped", located at the base of your neck. It's one of the regulators of the endocrine system and is responsible for manufacturing hormones that control your metabolism. As with many bodily systems, there are generally two ways it can cease working normally; becoming too active, or becoming underactive. These, identified by the prefixes hyper or hypo respectively, lead to a variety of different systemic diseases. Hyperthyroidism In hyperthyroidism, your thyroid gland is making too much of the hormone it produces. As your...

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