Why Does Hand Sanitizer Only Kill 99.9% of Germs and Bacteria?
Any time you look at cleaning products, you can probably find a message somewhere on it explaining that it's really quite effective. After all, it kills 99.99% of germs! That's practically all of them! Well, it's not actually all of them. Germs are extremely tiny microorganisms, and you can have trillions upon trillions of them on your hands at any given time. In fact, it's pretty much guaranteed that you do. They live on every surface, they live in water, they live in the air. You can wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, but within a few minutes, the...
Why Does Hand Sanitizer Have Little Bubbles in It?
If you've ever spent time looking at your hand sanitizer bottle – and you might, now more than ever – you've probably seen the myriad little air bubbles suspended throughout the sanitizer. You might have wondered if they're meant to be there. You may wonder what purpose they serve (if any). So what's the story? Well, for one thing, the bubbles are not "meant" to be there, but they're nearly impossible to remove. That's why virtually every image you see has bubbles in it, even the official product photos published by the people making and selling the hand sanitizer. Some...
How Long Does Hand Sanitizer Last and Does It Expire?
For obvious reasons, hand sanitizer is all the rage right now, to the extent that stores are experiencing shortages, the factories manufacturing it are kicking into overdrive, and even breweries (otherwise shut down temporarily) have converted their machinery to creating branded hand sanitizers. That's great and all, but what about that bottle you've had sitting up in the cupboard for a few years? Is it still good to use, or does it expire? Then there's the related question: does hand sanitizer protect you on an ongoing basis, like a glove or a shield? Let's find out. What's In Hand Sanitizer? First off, let's...
Is It Possible to Have an Allergic Reaction to Hand Sanitizer?
Hand sanitizer use is becoming increasingly common throughout the country, and with good reason. The trouble is, some people may find that they have an adverse reaction to the stuff. Sometimes this reaction is immediate, that is, on the first use, while other times it doesn't show up for several uses. So what's going on? Is this an allergic reaction, or something else, and can it be solved? What Causes Allergic Reactions? Allergic reactions are your body identifying a generally harmless substance as an invader and stimulating an immune response to fight it off. When the invader is a disease,...
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