
How to Keep Protein Shakes From Getting Chalky and Clumpy

How to Keep Protein Shakes From Getting Chalky and Clumpy

One of the most frustrating things about trying to eat healthier is how often the "healthy" alternatives are unpleasant to consume. Protein powder – as part of shakes for supplement purposes, for muscle building, for weight loss, and for nutrition – is one of the biggest offenders. How often have you tried to make a protein shake, only to find the protein powder clumped up in little nuggets throughout the shake itself, making a pleasant sip of shake into a burst of chalky awfulness? It's quite common, quite unpleasant, and makes the best of us feel like it's just not...

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A List of Foods You Can Eat Without Breaking a Fast

A List of Foods You Can Eat Without Breaking a Fast

The definition of a fast, according to the dictionary, is this: "to abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance." Not very helpful, right? "all or some"? What foods and drinks can you eat and drink while you're fasting? The answer is, unfortunately, not very easy. It all comes down to two things: what type of fast you're doing, and how strict you are about observing it. In other words, it's all about the limitations of the fast itself, where they come from, and how well you can stick to them.  If you're...

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How to Determine the Accuracy of Your Bathroom Scale

How to Determine the Accuracy of Your Bathroom Scale

Sometimes it seems like your bathroom scale is lying to you, and not just out of a sense of denial about just how much of that Thanksgiving pie stuck around. Stepping on the scale can show you one weight, and then stepping off and back on can settle at another, plus or minus as much as 5-10 pounds!  When you're trying to lose weight, chart your progress, and keep an eye on how you're doing, the last thing you need is for your measurement tools to be reliant on the alignment of the stars, the flapping of butterfly wings in...

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DIY Detox: How to Create Your Own Detox Cleanse

DIY Detox: How to Create Your Own Detox Cleanse

There are thousands of detox plans and cleansing products out there on the market today. As with any health trend, merchants and health nuts around the world have picked up on the trend and have started offering their own products, services, plans, guides, and books about the subject. As long as there are people concerned about losing weight and shedding bodily toxins, there will be people willing to buy those products. It's understandably confusing, because you have people coming at you from all sides, claiming their cleanse works best while others might not work at all. Add to that the...

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