25 Foods and Supplements to Maintain Healthy Hair
Hair is one of your most prominent features, and it's something a lot of people will immediately notice about you. A haircut or hair dye is immediately impactful, and people will react to any change, good or ill. Unlike personal attributes like weight, it's much more socially acceptable to comment on, and becomes the topic of small talk and gossip. So of course it's reasonable to want to take care of your hair. Numerous problems can crop up with hair; thinning hair, too much hair in the wrong places, graying hair, and so on. Luckily, hair is something you can...
12 of the Best Teas for Weight Loss That Actually Work
Tea is a beverage that has been popularized and consumed around the world, for centuries or millennia in the case of places like China. It's simple, it's healthy, and it's tasty; what more could you want? Tea has also been used for a range of different medical treatments throughout history. If you have an ailment – be it anemia, dehydration, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, or virtually anything else – tea has been offered as a potential solution. It's the original herbal medicine. What about weight? Weight loss teas are a prominent fad in the health and weight loss world, but...
How Long Should You Take Detox Products For?
When you're concerned about toxins in your body, and when you're taking a detox product, you likely want to know two things. How long will the product take to start working, and how long can you take it safely? Today we're going to address that second question, because it's the most complicated of the two. Detox products run the gamut from placebo powders to stickers for your feet to juice cleanses to supplement pills. Some of them have real, tangible effects on the body, while others just make you feel better about yourself. Unfortunately, we can't give you a direct...
Weight Loss Coffee vs. Regular Coffee: What's The Difference?
Modern society puts an endless amount of pressure on us to lose weight every day. It's a constant struggle to fight those pounds while multinational corporations are shoving nothing but processed sugars down our throats. It makes sense, then, that there are hundreds of different diets and thousands of different weight loss products on the market. If you can dream it up, there's probably a weight loss version of it. We've seen weight loss candy, weight loss cake, and weight loss jerky. Now, one of the most recent weight loss fad products is weight loss coffee. Coffee, you say? Coffee...
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