
Can Irregular Period Cycles Cause or Affect Fertility?

Can Irregular Period Cycles Cause or Affect Fertility?

Some level of irregularity is normal and expected from the average woman's period cycle. The average is considered to be 28 days, but it's not uncommon to vary that number up or down; sometimes it might be 26 or 27, other times it might be 30 or 31. This is a normal range. An ovulation cycle is considered abnormal when it is outside of this normal range. A cycle shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 is far enough outside of the average that it can have effects on both health and medical processes. This comes from data from...

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What Kind of Foundation Should You Use if You Have Psoriasis?

What Kind of Foundation Should You Use if You Have Psoriasis?

When you have a skin condition, cosmetics can be tricky. Makeup is formulated for the average person, meant to be as minimally irritating to normal skin as possible. It's rarely formulated specifically for people with especially irritable skin or with a skin-based disease. If you suffer from such a condition, it's doubly difficult, because you're even more likely to want to cover up blemishes, redness, and other symptoms. What is Psoriasis? Those of you who aren't aware of what Psoriasis is can keep reading. If you have it or are otherwise familiar with it, feel free to skip to the...

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What Are The Pros and Cons of Fat Burners?

What Are The Pros and Cons of Fat Burners?

Losing weight is not an easy process by any means, even if some people make it look easy. It's long, it's time consuming, and it's tedious. It typically involves countless hours at the gym or working out, massive adjustments to diet and habits, and even then it might not be enough. Diets alone are often not enough, simply because people treat diets as a one-time cure. A diet is not like a course of antibiotics, addressing a disease and curing it. A diet is a lifestyle change you have to stick with for life. If you go back to your...

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Thermogenics vs Fat Burners: What’s The Difference?

Thermogenics vs Fat Burners: What’s The Difference?

In the world of weight loss supplements, there are essentially three mechanisms by which a supplement can help you lose weight. We've talked about them before, but it's worth going over them in more detail. The three types of weight loss supplements are characterized by how they affect the body.  One type, known as appetite suppressants, work to fill you up. When you're full and stay full longer, you have less desire to eat, and thus you intake fewer calories and can lose weight. One type, known as thermogenics, stimulate your body to convert stored fat into energy. This energy...

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